9 May 2013
During a routine inspection
We heard from people who use the service that on the whole they were very happy with the care they received. One family member told us of concerns they had regarding the care of their relative and this was being looked into by the manager.
One person told us they were 'Very happy' with the care that was provided to them, and the carers were 'Very kind to me in the morning'. Another person told us the carers were 'Friendly and helpful.'
We found the recruitment process was thorough and effective. We found when speaking to staff, they were positive about the provider and the manager, and told us they felt they did a good job. They told us they checked with the people who used the service if they were happy with what they did to support them and how they supported them.
We read care plans addressed risk, choice and involved the people using the service in agreeing how their care was delivered.
We saw from the records that for the week commencing the 29th April 2013 to 5th May 2013 93% percent of calls made to people to support them were on time. There were no missed calls reported.