We found the service to be welcoming with friendly staff. Information was displayed for people using the service, including health promotion, access to support services, information about the practice and other services available. Appointments could be made in person or by telephone. We spoke with eight people who all spoke highly of services provided to them. We also spoke with staff who said they enjoyed working in the practice. One told us, "We really care about people." Another said, "There's a really nice atmosphere here."
People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual wishes. One person said, "Doctor's receptionists have a really bad reputation, but they're all really nice here.' Another told us, 'My whole family come here. I can get an appointment easily. Everything is fine.'
We saw that there was a system to ensure repeat prescriptions were available promptly and medicines that were kept at the practice were stored safely.
Staff were supported to complete both mandatory and additional training, received an annual performance appraisal and were able to discuss their individual training needs with the lead GP. However, there was no formal system in place for staff supervision.
The practice used both electronic and paper records. The paper records were stored safely and the electronic system was restricted to those authorised to use it by the use of a secure password.