Overall summary
Amherst Medical Practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide the regulated activities: Diagnostic and screening services; Family Planning; Maternity and Midwifery services; Surgical procedures; Treatment of disease, disorder and injury.
Amherst Medical Practice provides primary care services from its main surgery in Amherst and the branch surgery in Brasted.
During the inspection we spoke with patients, members of the patient participation group and staff.
The practice was well led. There was a clear mission statement which we found was demonstrated by staff in their day to day work. The practice had a system which ensured patients’ views on the service were listened and responded to. The practice met nationally recognised quality standards for improving patient care and maintaining quality. However the practice internal quality processes were not regularly monitored and recorded which would have assisted in the early identification of risks to patients.
Patient feedback suggested they were highly satisfied with the care and treatment they received describing staff as friendly, professional and supportive. The services provided enabled patients to access the care they needed promptly and efficiently.
Care and treatment was delivered in line with best practice. The practice had the appropriate equipment and procedures to manage patient emergencies safely and effectively.
The service was not safe with regards to the storage, checking and dispensing of medicines which put patients at risk.