Updated 31 March 2020
Portsdsown Group Practice provides primary medical services to 43,811 patients and delivers these services from six surgeries in the Portsmouth area. The main administrative site is Kingston Crescent surgery and the other two main sites are Cosham Park Avenue Surgery (the registered location) and Crookhorn Lane Surgery. Paulsgrove Surgery is a branch surgery of Cosham Park Avenue and Heyward Road Surgery and Somertown Surgery are both branches of Kingston Crescent Surgery.
The practice has 13 partners; 12 GP partners and 1 non-clinical managing partner. It also employs nine salaried GPs. It is a training practice with four GP trainers, and it hosts student nurses and other workplace students.
For this inspection we visited the following surgeries:
Kingston Crescent Surgery
Heyward Road Surgery
Somertown Surgery
Cosham Park Avenue Surgery
The practice is registered with the CQC to carry out the following regulated activities: diagnostic and screening procedures, surgical procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
The practice is one of 15 practices serving the NHS Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group area.
The practice population is in the third most deprived decile for deprivation. The average life expectancy for both male and patients is lower than the national average by one year. The practice population has a higher percentage of patients with a long-standing health condition than the national average. It also has a higher proportion of patients under 18 years of age.
The practice’s core opening hours are 8am until 6.30pm, every week day. The practice offers patients extended hours appointments at different surgeries on different days, with morning appointments from 7am until 8am on some sites on Mondays and Wednesdays and evening appointments (6.30pm until 7.00pm) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursday. The practice had arranged out of hours cover for evenings until 10pm and at weekends (8am-8pm).