Updated 22 September 2020
The Park Medical Practice is a partnership between nine GPs and the practice manager providing Primary Medical Services to approximately 29,700 patients.
The main practice is in Chaddesden in Derby, with a branch surgery in Borrowash, Oakwood and the University of Derby, Kedleston Road.
The Park Medical Practice is registered to provide Diagnostic and Screening Procedures, Treatment of Disease, Disorder or Injury, Surgical procedures, Maternity and Midwifery and Family Planning regulated activities from Maine Drive, Chaddesden, Derby DE21 6LA.
The practice has a contract with NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG to provide General Medical Services (GMS) and offers a range of local enhanced services.
The practice has a larger than average population of patients aged 15-44, and a lower than average patient population over the age of 65.
The average life expectancy is 78 years for men and 83 years for women, compared to the national average of 72 and 83 respectively.
The practice is ranked in the fifth most deprived decile People living in more deprived areas tend to have greater need for health services.
The National General Practice Profile describes the practice ethnicity as being predominant white at 93.3% of the registered patients, with estimates of 2% mixed race, 2.6% Asian and 1.5% black.
The practice has a large staff team, including administrative staff, a practice manager, assistant practice manager, IT manager, nurse manager, accountant, seven practice nurses, five nurse practitioners, five health care assistants, a pharmacist, two pharmacy technicians and six salaried GPs. Various staff work across the three practices.
The practice holds the General Medical Services (GMS) contract to deliver essential primary care services. The practice was a hub site which provided extended access appointments weekdays until 8pm and weekends from 8am to 12noon. When the practice was closed, patients were asked to contact 111 and Derbyshire Health United for out-of-hours care.