Staveleigh medical centre provided primary medical services in the centre of Stalybridge Monday to Friday. The practice is open between 08:30 and 18:00. The practice also provided home visits for people who were not well enough to attend the centre.
The majority of patients we spoke with during our inspection were happy with the care and treatment that they received. Care and treatment was provided in a clean and hygienic environment and there were systems in place to ensure the safety of patients, including infection control and child protection. However systems to ensure vulnerable adults were protected from harm were inconsistent.
Arrangements were in place for medicines such as, vaccines and emergency drugs within the practice and these were stored safely, apart from medicines within GPs bags for home visits. We identified gaps in the system to check medicines, resulting in out of date drugs including adrenaline being found in two of three GPs bags. This was a breach of Regulation 13 HSCA 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 Medicines management.
Patients felt they received a caring service and told us they were involved in discussions about the health care they received and we saw patients being treated with sensitivity and respect by reception staff.
We found the service was effective in meeting the wide ranging needs of patients. The practice worked effectively with other health and social care professionals, as well as the out of hours service to provide coordinated care for patients.
The service was responsive to the needs of the patients attending the service. All staff had access to equipment, guidance, protocols and pathways to make clinical decisions and provide safe effective care for patients.
Staff described the service as well led and staff at all levels felt supported. Information to ensure staff were up to date was routinely shared with staff via email and through formal and informal meetings.