20 March 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
During our visit we spoke with the provider, the practice manager, three administrative staff and seven people who used the service.
We found that people's privacy and dignity were not always respected and that their views and experiences were not always taken into account, in the way the service was provided and delivered in relation to their care.
People spoke highly of the administrative staff. Three people we spoke with said that booking appointments was difficult and they often had to use other services within the local community, such as walk in centres.
There were no child and adult safeguarding training, policies or procedures in place. We found that staff who chaperone people during intimate procedures did not have criminal record checks in place.
People were not always protected from the risks associated with infection because appropriate procedures or equipment were not in place.
Medicines were not kept safely and there were no formal processes to ensure the security of prescription pads or stock taking of medicines held on the premises.
Staff were not effectively recruited as appropriate selection procedures not in place.
There were staff with insufficient knowledge, experience, qualifications and skills to support people employed at the practice.
Staff were not properly trained, supervised and appraised.
People's medical records were not accurate or fit for purpose or held securely.