We spoke with three patients on the day and following our visit. They spoke positively about the practice and commented that they were happy with the care they received. The practice provided patients with information about the services available through their website and leaflets on display in the waiting room.The practice had electronic records in place to accurately describe the contact patients had with the service and the actions taken to provide appropriate care and treatment.
We found staff had access to contact details for both child protection and adult safeguarding teams. They were able to describe the appropriate actions they had taken with recent safeguarding concerns.
The practice had an up to date recruitment policy in place. We looked at two personnel files and found contracts in place and evidence of identification and qualification checks.
The practice had a range of policies and procedures in place for staff to access, which supported the safe running of the service. The General Practitioner (GP) described the regular audits/reports which the practice completed following any significant event, for example audits of patients' records and procedures for handling and sharing information.
The practice leaflet and website provided patents with information about how to raise a concern. Patients we spoke with told us they would raise any concerns with the clinical or reception staff.