Updated 8 January 2020
River Wey Medical Practice is located within Farnham Centre for Health. It provides GP services to approximately 7,070 patients and is part of North East Hampshire and Farnham clinical commissioning group (CCG). The practice is also part of a federation of five Farnham GP practices, which also formed a primary care network in July 2019. They are also a member of the federation of North East Hampshire and Farnham CCG practices.
The practice has three GP partners (all male), three salaried GPs (all female) and one retainer GP (female). (The retainer GP scheme enables qualified GPs who are unable for the present to commit themselves to a full-time post to continue working in general practice in order to maintain and develop their skills and enter a permanent post when their circumstances permit). Between them they provide a whole time equivalent (WTE) of 3.9 full time GPs. The nursing team consists of two practice nurses (WTE 1.24). The practice is a training practice for trainee GPs (a qualified doctor who is undertaking additional training to become a GP). There was one trainee GP working at the practice at the time of this inspection.
The clinical team are supported by a practice manager, a personal assistant to the practice manager, an IT & office manager, a reception manager, deputy reception manager, a practice secretary, five receptionists and four administration staff.
The practice is located inside a hospital facility where patients can access phlebotomy services and X-ray facilities, when necessary. There is also an on-site ultrasound service (provided by an external stakeholder) to which patients can be quickly referred.
The federation of five Farnham GP practices had implemented an integrated care team and anticipatory intervention meeting team to assess patients requiring additional services or support. They also had arrangements for allied healthcare professionals to provide care to patients of River Wey Medical Practice, including a heart failure nurse, a paramedic home visiting service, dementia link practitioner, mental health practitioner and social prescribing service. Patients could also access same day GP and nurse appointments and extended hours appointments via the federation.
The provider is registered with CQC to deliver the Regulated Activities; diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
There are higher than average number of patients over the age of 65. The National General Practice Profile states that 5% of the practice population originates from black, mixed or other non-white ethnic groups. Information published by Public Health England, rates the level of deprivation within the practice population group as ten, on a scale of one to ten. Level one represents the highest levels of deprivation and level ten the lowest. Male life expectancy is 81 years compared to the national average of 79 years. Female life expectancy is 85 years compared to the national average of 83 years.
River Wey Medical Practice has been inspected before. You can view the previous reports by selecting the “all reports” link for River Wey Medical Practice on the CQC website.