We observed the reception room and found there was a range of health promotion information for patients to read and take home with them.The practice was accessible to all and had ground floor consultation and nurses' rooms.
Patients told us "its not bad" and "it's alright." Some people said "its much better than before." Patients felt that the quality of service varied between GPs. People were able to receive their repeat prescriptions within a timely manner and GPs ensured they called people back for a review of medication.
Staff had to be prompted when asked about their understanding of adult and children's safeguarding. There was a children's flow chart for safeguarding attached to walls behind reception and two treatment rooms but no flow chart for adult safeguarding.
We had concerns regarding the recruitment of staff as there was no documentation in personnel files to indicate staff had been through a recruitment process. We could not find current criminal record checks on some files, references or entitlement to work in the UK in clinical staff files.
There was a complaints procedure and people told us that they would go directly to the practice manager.