26 June 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people using the service and the staff told us, what we observed and the records we looked at.
Is the service safe?
From our observations and the information we saw in care plans, policies, procedures and audits the provider's safety monitoring systems were robust. The staff showed that they had a clear understanding of their role in providing care and in safeguarding the people they supported. The staff demonstrated that they knew the people well. They had read and understood the instructions set out in individual care plans.
People's care plans and the staff rotas showed that the management had taken people's care needs into account when making decisions about the number of staff required. Management has also considered the skills mix and experience staff would need. This showed that the provider had taken steps to ensure the staffing provision was safe and met the needs of each person.
There were systems in place to make sure that management and staff learned from events such as accidents and incidents, complaints, concerns and investigations. This meant that people were benefiting from a service that was taking on board lessons learnt.
Records held by the service about people, staff training and management processes were up to date, accurate and stored securely.
Is the service effective?
People's care needs had been assessed and detailed care plans were in place. There was evidence that people were involved in the assessments of their needs and care plan reviews. We saw in care plans and found from talking with people who used the service that the care provided was being constantly adapted to meet people's needs. People we spoke with told us that the staff helped them to remain independent and continue living in their own homes.
We saw in care plans and daily record sheets that the provider was in regular contact with the people's health and social care staff. This meant that the provider was working in co-operation with other care providers to keep the person safe.
Is the service caring?
The people we spoke with who used the service told us they were happy with the support they received. One person said: "The staff are all very good, we have had them for some time. They are very friendly and we have no complaints'. Another person said: 'X' is very good and knows what she is doing." The staff we spoke with said that they felt it was important to have time to interact with each person while they were doing their job. They demonstrated that they were aware of potential risks, people's rights and their responsibilities.
The registered manager told us the importance the provider put upon ensuring that people's dignity was maintained at all times. They told us that this was part of the induction training given to new staff.
We saw copies of the service customer satisfaction surveys. All had positive comments. One person wrote 'the girls treat me with compassion'.
Is the service responsive?
We found that care plans were person centred and contained detailed information about the person and their choices and preferences. We saw that people's views had been obtained by the provider about the type of support each person needed. The customer survey feedback forms showed that staff performance and the care people received had prompted positive responses from the people who used the service.
We saw that the provider was regularly in contact with social care and health professionals that provided support to people. This meant that people's health and welfare was regularly reviewed and monitored.
The staff and people who used the service said that when they had any concerns, they could talk with the manager as they would always listen and address anything they raised.
The provider had a complaints procedure with copies of the information readily available within the homes of people who used the service.
The staff said they had regular training which equipped them with the knowledge to meet the support needs of the people who used the service.
Is the service well-led?
The registered manager and the staff we spoke with were knowledgeable about the people who used service, changes to legislation and developments in care provision.
The provider had systems in place to ensure the quality of the service was regularly monitored and reviewed. There were systems in place to provide feedback to staff about changes and developments.
All the staff we spoke with said they understood their responsibilities around safeguarding people's welfare. They said that if they witnessed poor practice they would report their concerns.
We found that quality assurance processes were in place. The provider investigated incidents and accidents and carried out checks to ensure the health, safety and welfare of people supported, staff and others.
We found that staff received mandatory and specialist training. All the staff held or were working towards vocational qualifications relevant to their role. Staff told us that training was provided to assist in their professional development.
Staff told us that they had worked with the people who used the service for some time and really enjoyed their work. They told us that there was a good team spirit and everyone listened to any concerns raised and acted to resolve these. They said that they felt they were supported and involved in the development of the service.