Archived: Manna

33 Orrell Road, Bootle, Liverpool, Merseyside, L20 0EE (0151) 281 2034

Provided and run by:
Manna Care Ltd

All Inspections

2 May 2013

During a routine inspection

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of some of the people who received a service. This was because some of the people who received a service had complex needs, which meant they were not all able to tell us their experiences.

On the day of our inspection we visited a supported tenancy where seven people who received support from Manna lived. We were unable to speak directly with anyone, as some people had gone out shopping and others were at a day centre.

We spoke with one relative who was visiting on the day of our inspection. They spoke positively about the staff who supported their family member. The relative said, 'Receiving support from Manna staff has been the making of my relative.'They told us staff always kept them informed about their relative's welfare.

We read some comments from relatives about the service from questionnaires they had completed in April 2013. Their comments included: 'We have very good communication from staff, always informed of important matters' and 'Staff are very helpful and kind.'

We looked at three care records in the office. We found them to contain relevant and current information about the person's needs.

We looked at two staff personnel and training files. We saw evidence which showed staff were supported in their job. Staff we spoke with told us they had received the training required for their job. This meant people who received a service were supported safely.