We spoke with five patients who were all happy with the service. Patients were treated with dignity and respect. Patients understood the care and treatment choices available to them and felt they were given appropriate information and support regarding their care or treatment. People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual needs. Patients were satisfied with the consultation that they had received by the GP. A patient told us 'everything was explained. The GP does their best considering they don't have my records.' There were arrangements in place to deal with medical emergencies.
Policies and procedures were in place for staff to follow should they have concerns about the safety of children and vulnerable adults. Medicines were handled appropriately and kept safely. Patients told us that they felt the GP had given them enough information about the medicines.
The practice had a policy in place for appointing locum GPs. Recruitment checks were carried out on GPs but there were some gaps in the records kept.