21 July 2017
During a routine inspection
At the last inspection in May 2015 the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
Staff were familiar with how to safeguard people from abuse. This was also reflected in people’s individual risk management plans. Each person had detailed risk assessments so staff knew how to care for them safely without unnecessarily restricting their freedom. Medicines were managed safely and people were supported to manage their own medicines where this could be done safely.
There were enough appropriately qualified staff to keep people safe. The manager carried out checks to help ensure staff were suitable. Staff received supervision, appraisals and training at a suitable frequency and the registered manager sought advice and support from reputable sources to help them keep up with current research and best practice in social care.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. Staff obtained people’s consent before providing them with care and support.
People received the support they needed to maintain a healthy diet and to have enough to eat and drink. Staff supported people to make and attend appointments with healthcare services to support their physical and mental health.
Staff knew people well and had good relationships with them. People received the support they needed to make choices about their care on a daily basis. Staff promoted people’s privacy and dignity. People received support that helped them retain and develop their independence and to work towards achieving their goals.
People had care plans that were reviewed regularly to keep up to date with their needs and preferences. These were detailed to support staff in delivering care that met people’s needs and took into account their desires, preferences, cultural and religious needs and choices. There was a formal complaints policy and people also had opportunities to express concerns more informally.
People had very regular contact with the registered manager, who provided care to people directly and was able to monitor the quality of the service in this way. They discussed the service daily with staff and gave people regular opportunities to give feedback and suggest any improvements they wanted to be made.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.