Updated 28 December 2018
- The practice name is Dr Inayat Ullah – known locally as Woodlands Surgery.
- Located at 301 Newtown Road, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 0AJ.
- Telephone number: 024 7649 0909. Website:
- The practice has a General Medical Services (GMS) contract with NHS England. The GMS contract is the contract between general practices and NHS England for delivering primary care services to local communities.
- At the time of our inspection, 3,960 patients were registered at the practice. Patients were also temporally registered at the practice when admitted to Discharge to Assess, a ten bed reablement and rehabilitation unit managed by the practice (housed in a local care home) to enable patients to be discharged from hospital earlier for rehabilitation.
- The practice cared for 125 patients with dementia who lived in two local care homes.
- The practice has one lead GP (male), two-part time salaried GPs (one male and one female), two Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP) and one practice nurse (qualified as an Advanced Nurse prescriber. They are supported by a practice manager, administrative staff and a clinical pharmacist.
- Since our previous inspection in September 2015, the practice building had been enlarged and refurbished.
- Please see the evidence table for details of opening hours and extended hours provision.
- Woodlands Surgery is located in a semi-rural area with pockets of deprivation.