• Doctor
  • GP practice

Archived: Dr Jib Narayan Jha

310 St Georges Road, Deepdale, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 6NR (01772) 254546

Provided and run by:
Dr Jib Narayan Jha

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 24 September 2014

The practice of Dr Jib Narayan Jha has approximately 1,860 patients registered. There is one GP, a practice manager, a practice nurse and supporting administration staff. The practice offers a range of services for its patient population. Dr Jib Narayan Jha is registered with the CQC as a provider of primary medical services. The GP is also legally responsible for making sure the practice meets CQC requirements as the registered manager.

The practice offers an evening surgery on Monday and Wednesday nights until 19.00 for those unable to attend appointments during the day. However, the practice closes at 14.00 on Thursdays. This includes routine prebookable appointments with the General Practitioner (GP) and practice nurse. Patients are able to book appointments online and are also able to order/view repeat prescriptions online.

They also allocate emergency GP appointments on the day if required, undertake home visits when necessary and have an out of hours service available which is run by Preston Primary Care Centre.

Information from the General Practice Outcome Standards (GPOS), Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) and Greater Preston Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) information showed the practice of Dr Jib Narayan Jha rated as an achieving practice. 

Overall inspection

Updated 24 September 2014

The practice of Dr Jib Narayan Jha offers a range of services for its patient population. This includes routine prebookable appointments with the General Practitioner (GP) and practice nurse. They also allocate emergency GP appointments on the day if required, undertake home visits when necessary and have an out of hours service available which is run by Preston Primary Care Centre.

The management of the service had ensured that there were safeguarding procedures in place and had taken steps to ensure that staff followed these.

Clinical decisions made by the GP are in line with best practice guidelines.

All the patients we spoke with were very complimentary about the service and care they received at the practice. We also reviewed the results of 33 CQC comment cards that had been completed prior to our visit. Patients reported that staff treated them with dignity and respect.

There was an open culture within the organisation and a clear complaints policy.

There was a strong and visible leadership team with a clear strategy, vision and purpose.

The practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission to deliver care and treatment under the following regulated activities: Diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, and treatment of disease and disorder.

People with long term conditions

Updated 24 September 2014

The practice was knowledgeable about the health needs of patients with long term conditions. They worked with other health services and agencies to provide appropriate support.

Staff were skilled in specialist areas which helped them ensure best practice guidance was always being followed. The practice team ensured that patients with long term conditions were regularly reviewed by practice staff and their care was coordinated with other healthcare professionals when needed.

Families, children and young people

Updated 24 September 2014

The practice provided services to meet the needs of this population group. There were comprehensive screening and vaccination programmes which were managed effectively to support patients.  A variety of services and clinics were in place to ensure that the diverse and specialist needs of this population group were being met.

Staff were knowledgeable about child protection and the GP took the lead for safeguarding.

Older people

Updated 24 September 2014

The practice was knowledgeable about health needs of older patient. They had information on patients’ health conditions, carers’ information and whether patients needed home visits.  They used this information to provide services in the most appropriate way and in a timely manner.

We found the practice worked well with other agencies and health providers to provide support and access specialist help when needed. We found that treatment and care was delivered in line with the patient’s needs and circumstances, including their personal expectations, values and choices.

Working age people (including those recently retired and students)

Updated 24 September 2014

The practice provided a range of services for patients to consult with GPs and nurses, including on-line booking and telephone consultations. Patients were also able to book a consultation with a GP through the extended hours service. The appointments system was regularly reviewed to try to maximise timely access to services for this population group.

People experiencing poor mental health (including people with dementia)

Updated 24 September 2014

GPs worked with other services to review and share care with specialist teams. During out inspection we did not encounter any barriers to access for this population group. There were systems in place to enable timely and appropriate referrals to be made to mental health services for patients if needed.

People whose circumstances may make them vulnerable

Updated 24 September 2014

Staff were knowledgeable about safeguarding vulnerable adults. They had access to the practice’s policy and procedures and had received training in the last 12 months.  During out inspection we did not encounter any barriers to access for this population group.