On the day of our inspection we spoke with seven patients, one doctor (who was also the registered manager) and five members of staff. Patients were satisfied with the appointment system and when necessary were given an appointment on the same day. Patients told us they were usually able to get through to the surgery on the telephone easily and said reception staff were always friendly and helpful. One patient told us: 'I can usually get an appointment when I need one.'
We saw that patients' views and experiences were taken into account in the way the service was provided and that they were treated with dignity and respect. When patients received care or treatment they were asked for their consent and their wishes were listened to.
The practice was clean and well organised. Processes were in place to minimise the risk of infection. There were also processes in place for monitoring the quality of service provision. There was an established system for regularly obtaining opinions from patients about the standard of the service they received.
There was a complaints procedure in place and although none of the patients we spoke with had needed to complain, they knew how to do so. One patient told us: 'I've been a patient here for over fifty years and have never had any problems.'