• Doctor
  • GP practice

Archived: Medicom Limited

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

The Healthcare Centre, Flintoff Way, Deepdale, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 5AF (01772) 655599

Provided and run by:
Medicom Limited

All Inspections

7 December 2016

During a routine inspection

Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice

We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Medicom Limited on 7 December 2016. Overall the practice is rated as good.

Our key findings across all the areas we inspected were as follows:

  • There was an open and transparent approach to safety and an effective system in place for reporting significant events. Safety alerts were received and acted upon, however systems for recording and monitoring them were required.
  • Risks to patients were assessed and well managed.
  • Staff assessed patients’ needs and delivered care in line with current evidence based guidance. Staff had been trained to provide them with the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care and treatment.
  • Staff had been trained to deal with medical emergencies and emergency medicines and equipment were available.

  • Infection control procedures were in place.

  • Patients said they were treated with compassion, dignity and respect and they were involved in their care and decisions about their treatment. Staff knew most of the patients well and were able to provide a personal service.
  • Information about services and how to complain was available and easy to understand.
  • The practice had good facilities and was well equipped to treat patients and meet their needs.
  • There was a clear approach to working with others to improve care outcomes with a clear strategy and objectives including engaging with other key partners in providing health services.
  • There was a clear leadership structure and staff were supported by the GP, however felt uninformed about ongoing changes to the service .
  • The provider was aware of and complied with the requirements of the duty of candour.

There were areas of practice where the provider should make improvements, these were:

  • Have a more comprehensive effective approach to formal meetings in order that issues, actions and results are recorded.

  • Ensure there is an effective system for recording and monitoring safety alerts.

  • Ensure training is planned and recorded in a more structured and effective manner.

Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP) 

Chief Inspector of General Practice


During a routine inspection

Medicom Limited registered 'The Healthcare Centre' practice with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), as responsible for providing primary care, which includes: access to GPs, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, treatment for disease, disorder and injury and diagnostic and screening services.

The practice team includes the Clinical Director, two associate GP's (One male and one female), as well as two practice managers who job share, two reception staff and a nurse who works twelve hours per week.

The practice provides a service for all population groups safely and effectively. Staff were caring, responsive to the needs of patients and considered care and treatment in line with best practice guidelines.

We spoke to five patients and received nine Care Quality Commission comment cards. Patients were very complimentary about the care and treatment provided. Patients comments included the ease of access for appointments, both routine and urgent, the friendliness of all the staff and the professionalism of the doctors and nurse.

There are some areas for improvement including: staff training, policy development around shared emergency equipment, safe recording of serial numbers on blank prescription sheets and to formalise staff and clinical meetings with minutes.