18 September 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with the registered manager and five members of staff. As part of the inspection we spoke with four parents of people who used the service, one person who used the service and one professional who knew the service well.
As part of the inspection we discussed consent with the provider and we established the ways in which consent was gained. The provider told us they ensured informed consent was gained formally and informally as part of their service.
We looked at the care and welfare of people who used the service and how this was recorded.
We looked at safeguarding procedures in place at the service. The provider informed us of how people were protected from abuse. They told us how the staff were trained to identify signs of abuse and how they dealt with it appropriately.
We saw that the provider collected comments from people who used the service. We saw that the provider monitored the quality of the service that people received. We saw evidence that the views of people who used the service were acted on.