05 Feb 2020
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We carried out a comprehensive inspection of this service (Dr Avinash Kumar Sennik, Broughton Corner Medical Centre) on 5 February 2020 following our annual regulatory review of the information available to us including information provided by the practice. Our review indicated that there may have been a significant change to the quality of care provided since the last inspection.
The provider was rated overall as good during our last inspection in October 2016.
We based our judgement of the quality of care at this service on a combination of:
- what we found when we inspected
- information from our ongoing monitoring of data about services and
- information from the provider, patients, the public and other organisations.
We have rated this practice as requires improvement overall and requires improvement for population groups people with long-term conditions, families, children and young people, working age people and people experiencing poor mental health.
We found that:
- The systems and processes in place to keep patients safe required improvement. For example, the practice did not have a robust system in place for medicines management.
- Patients received effective care and treatment; however, outcomes for patients with diabetes, asthma, hypertension and mental health were below average.
- The uptake for childhood immunisations and cervical screening were below average.
- Staff dealt with patients with kindness and respect and patients we spoke to indicated that they were involved in decisions about their care.
- The practice organised and delivered services to meet patients’ needs. However, patient satisfaction in relation to appointments were below average; patients and the members of the Patient Participation Group we spoke to indicated that telephone access and access to appointments had improved in the last six months
- There was a focus on learning and improvement.
The areas where the provider must make improvements are:
- Ensure that care and treatment is provided in a safe way.
- Ensure that care and treatment meet the needs of patients.
(Please see the specific details on action required at the end of this report).
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
- Implement a system to allow continuous monitoring of medicines and safety alerts.
- Consider ways to improve uptake for childhood immunisations.
- Consider ways to identify carers to ensure their needs are known and can be met
- Review procedures to include escalation information in response letter to complaints.
Details of our findings and the evidence supporting our ratings are set out in the evidence tables.
Dr Rosie Benneyworth BM BS BMedSci MRCGP
Chief Inspector of Primary Medical Services and Integrated Care