27 April 2017
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following areas of good practice:
The provider had taken action to address the issues that we identified at our last inspection.
The provider had implemented a form to record clients’ consent to sharing information with the National Drug Treatment Monitoring Service. We found this form was being used in care and treatment records when clients were consenting.
The provider had implemented a new risk assessment and risk management plan tool and all the clients’ records we reviewed contained a risk assessment and risk management plan. Staff involved clients in the development and review of these regularly.
The provider had made changes to care planning processes. Staff used a new care plan tool which was holistic and recovery orientated. Staff involved clients in developing and reviewing their care plans. Staff measured clients’ outcomes and progress through their treatment using the changes in care plan scoring.
Staff had a working knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act.
Staff knew how to report incidents and understood the provider’s incident reporting policy.
Staff encouraged clients to resolve issues with other clients informally. Clients understood they could submit complaints and how to do this. Staff understood the provider’s complaints policy.
However, we also found the following issue that the service provider needs to improve:
Where clients did not provide their consent to share information with the National Drug Treatment Monitoring Service, staff did not place a record in the clients file. This resulted in a blank consent to sharing information form in the records.