- GP practice
Dr Mehboob Bhatti Also known as Sutton Road Surgery
Registration details
The location ID for Dr Mehboob Bhatti is 1-494212196.
CQC register Dr Mehboob Bhatti to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Dr Mehboob Bhatti is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Doctors/GPs
Service specialism
- Services for everyone
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register Dr Mehboob Bhatti to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Maternity and midwifery services
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered person must submit to the Care Quality Commission within 7 days
of this condition coming into effect and then every two weeks thereafter, written
reports, which details the progress made on the action plan sent by the
Registered Provider to the Care Quality Commission on 11 December 2023. The
written report must include:
a. Details of progress on the completion of each action point from the action plan
and include details of progress in relation to the following areas:
i) Management of service users prescribed high risk medicines.
ii) Management of medicine safety alerts (MHRA) alerts.
iii) Management of medicine reviews.
iv) Management of service users with long term conditions.
v) Review of service users with a potential missed diagnosis.
vi) Review of the consultation process to ensure appropriate consultation
reviews which meets the needs of individual service users takes place.
vii) Review of plans for maintaining clear and accurate clinical record
viii) The results of any audits and/or monitoring data for each action point to
ensure safe practice is being followed and maintained.
Providing 2 weekly updates on the action plan will allow your progress to be
monitored by the Commission.
Family planning
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered person must submit to the Care Quality Commission within 7 days
of this condition coming into effect and then every two weeks thereafter, written
reports, which details the progress made on the action plan sent by the
Registered Provider to the Care Quality Commission on 11 December 2023. The
written report must include:
a. Details of progress on the completion of each action point from the action plan
and include details of progress in relation to the following areas:
i) Management of service users prescribed high risk medicines.
ii) Management of medicine safety alerts (MHRA) alerts.
iii) Management of medicine reviews.
iv) Management of service users with long term conditions.
v) Review of service users with a potential missed diagnosis.
vi) Review of the consultation process to ensure appropriate consultation
reviews which meets the needs of individual service users takes place.
vii) Review of plans for maintaining clear and accurate clinical record
viii) The results of any audits and/or monitoring data for each action point to
ensure safe practice is being followed and maintained.
Providing 2 weekly updates on the action plan will allow your progress to be
monitored by the Commission.
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered person must submit to the Care Quality Commission within 7 days
of this condition coming into effect and then every two weeks thereafter, written
reports, which details the progress made on the action plan sent by the
Registered Provider to the Care Quality Commission on 11 December 2023. The
written report must include:
a. Details of progress on the completion of each action point from the action plan
and include details of progress in relation to the following areas:
i) Management of service users prescribed high risk medicines.
ii) Management of medicine safety alerts (MHRA) alerts.
iii) Management of medicine reviews.
iv) Management of service users with long term conditions.
v) Review of service users with a potential missed diagnosis.
vi) Review of the consultation process to ensure appropriate consultation
reviews which meets the needs of individual service users takes place.
vii) Review of plans for maintaining clear and accurate clinical record
viii) The results of any audits and/or monitoring data for each action point to
ensure safe practice is being followed and maintained.
Providing 2 weekly updates on the action plan will allow your progress to be
monitored by the Commission.
Surgical procedures
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered person must submit to the Care Quality Commission within 7 days
of this condition coming into effect and then every two weeks thereafter, written
reports, which details the progress made on the action plan sent by the
Registered Provider to the Care Quality Commission on 11 December 2023. The
written report must include:
a. Details of progress on the completion of each action point from the action plan
and include details of progress in relation to the following areas:
i) Management of service users prescribed high risk medicines.
ii) Management of medicine safety alerts (MHRA) alerts.
iii) Management of medicine reviews.
iv) Management of service users with long term conditions.
v) Review of service users with a potential missed diagnosis.
vi) Review of the consultation process to ensure appropriate consultation
reviews which meets the needs of individual service users takes place.
vii) Review of plans for maintaining clear and accurate clinical record
viii) The results of any audits and/or monitoring data for each action point to
ensure safe practice is being followed and maintained.
Providing 2 weekly updates on the action plan will allow your progress to be
monitored by the Commission.
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered person must submit to the Care Quality Commission within 7 days
of this condition coming into effect and then every two weeks thereafter, written
reports, which details the progress made on the action plan sent by the
Registered Provider to the Care Quality Commission on 11 December 2023. The
written report must include:
a. Details of progress on the completion of each action point from the action plan
and include details of progress in relation to the following areas:
i) Management of service users prescribed high risk medicines.
ii) Management of medicine safety alerts (MHRA) alerts.
iii) Management of medicine reviews.
iv) Management of service users with long term conditions.
v) Review of service users with a potential missed diagnosis.
vi) Review of the consultation process to ensure appropriate consultation
reviews which meets the needs of individual service users takes place.
vii) Review of plans for maintaining clear and accurate clinical record
viii) The results of any audits and/or monitoring data for each action point to
ensure safe practice is being followed and maintained.
Providing 2 weekly updates on the action plan will allow your progress to be
monitored by the Commission.