- Care home
Finch Manor Nursing Home
We served a warning notice on Lotus Care (Finch Manor) Limited on 28 November 2024 for failing to meet the regulations related to the safe management of medicines at Finch Manor Nursing Home.
Registration details
The location ID for Finch Manor Nursing Home is 1-4921179091.
CQC register Finch Manor Nursing Home to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Finch Manor Nursing Home is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Nursing homes
Service specialism
- Caring for adults over 65 yrs
- Dementia
- Mental health conditions
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register Finch Manor Nursing Home to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Miss Elaine Harkin is responsible for these services.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must not admit any new service user to Finch Manor Nursing Home, Finch Lea Drive, Liverpool, L14 9QN without the prior written agreement of the Care Quality Commission.
By 4.00pm on 06 December 2023, the registered provider must ensure a registered nurse provides daily clinical oversight of the home and the most significant risks to service users including but not limited to those service users with risk associated with bowels, wounds and diabetes. This should also include
robust clinical oversight for medicines management. The registered provider must notify the Commission of the name of this designated individual along with details of relevant qualification/ skills within two working days.
The registered provider must instruct a suitably qualified, skilled and competent professional, who will be a registered nurse, to undertake oversight of nursing care to service users which will include monthly audits for the registered provider.
The registered provider must:
a. Provide a copy of each of the monthly audits required by condition (3) to the Care Quality Commission by 5pm on 15 December 2023 and 29 December 2023.
b. The Registered Provider shall by 5pm on the last Friday of each month after this condition takes effect, provide to the Care Quality Commission a report describing the learning from assessing the risks to the health and safety of service users receiving nursing care and treatment.
c. By the last Friday of each month after this condition takes effect, review and assess the effectiveness of the system and processes for the auditing the risks to the health and safety of service users receiving nursing care and treatment to ensure actions identified are improved and maintained. This will include an action plan to assess, monitor and improve the health and safety of service users receiving nursing care and treatment.
d. On the last Friday of each month after this condition takes effect provide to the Care Quality Commission a report detailing the outcome of the review systems above and setting out details of the actions taken and on the second Friday of each month thereafter, provider updates on the action plan.
The registered provider must instruct a suitably qualified, skilled and competent professional, who will be a registered nurse or pharmacist, to undertake oversight of medicines management which will include monthly audits for the registered provider.
The registered provider must:
a. Provide a copy of each of the monthly audits required by condition (4) to the Care Quality Commission by 5pm on 15 December 2023 and 29 December 2023.
b. The Registered Provider shall by 5pm on the last Friday of each month after this condition takes effect, provide to the Care Quality Commission a report describing the learning from medicines management audits and the system(s) in place for effective medicines management.
c. By the last Friday of each month after this condition takes effect, review and assess the effectiveness of the system and processes for the auditing of medicines management to ensure actions identified are improved and maintained. This will include an action plan to assess, monitor and improve medicines management.
d. On the last Friday of each month after this condition takes effect provide to the Care Quality Commission a report detailing the outcome of the review systems above and setting out details of the actions taken and on the second Friday of each month thereafter, provider updates on the action plan
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must only accommodate a maximum of 89 service users at Finch Manor Nursing Home.
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Miss Elaine Harkin is responsible for these services.