• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: KCA Berkshire West

4 Waylen Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7UR (0118) 955 7333

Provided and run by:

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

All Inspections

6, 7 March 2014

During a routine inspection

The service had a main office base in Reading and operated a satellite service in Wokingham. At this inspection we visited the Reading part of the service and did not visit the satellite service.

We spoke with three people who used services and eleven members of staff. People's comments were positive about the service they received and they told us they found staff knowledgeable. Staff we spoke with were positive about their jobs and were able to demonstrate good knowledge about people's needs.

People's health, safety and welfare was protected when more than one provider was involved in their care and treatment, or when they moved between different services.

There were systems in place to manage the risks of people using illicit drugs and alcohol in addition to prescribed medication however this was not always documented clearly. Each person had a care plan and risk assessment but the standard and level of detail was variable. There was good practice in relation to prescribing of medicines and the management of prescriptions. Medicines were stored and managed safely.

Staff were trained and experienced however the size and complexity of the caseloads meant that they seldom had time to deliver psychosocial interventions in line with NICE guidelines.

There was an effective system in place to manage the quality of the service. Where improvements were needed we saw that action plans had been developed and had been implemented or were in the process of being implemented.