Updated 8 October 2024
Date of assessment 17 to 30 October 2024.The service is a residential care home providing support to younger and older adults living with mental health and/or dementia. At the time of the assessment there were 21 people using the service. At our last inspection we identified a breach of regulation in relation to premises and equipment. At this inspection, improvements had been or were in progress and the provider was no longer in breach of this regulation. People, relatives and staff were positive about the service and were able to describe how people had achieved positive outcomes and improved quality of life from their care and support. People’s care plans and records were personalised and reflected their needs, wishes and aspirations. People and those important to them were fully involved in the planning and review of their care. People were supported by enough staff who understood their roles and responsibilities and took action to keep people safe. People and relatives described staff as kind, caring and respectful. Staff supported people to maintain and develop their independence and to make choices and decisions around their care. People were engaged in meaningful activities and were supported to maintain their emotional and physical health and wellbeing. The registered manager was in the process of developing quality assurance with partner agencies to continue to make improvements to the monitoring and oversight of care and support.