Updated 2 August 2024
Date of assessment 09 August to 19 September 2024. St Elizabeth is a care home that can accommodate up to 17 people. At the time of our assessment 16 people were living at the service. We undertook this risk assessment following information of concern we received about this service. We assessed a total of 15 quality statements across safe, effective, and well-led key questions and have combined the scores for these areas with scores from the last inspection. At this assessment we found the provider was in breach of 8 regulations. We found significant concerns and were not assured that people always received safe, effective, good quality care. The provider failed to protect people from abuse and did not always share safeguarding information that was required. Risks to people and health and safety risks were not always assessed or safely managed. People’s medicines were not safely managed, and medicines practices were not in line with national guidance. We were not assured staff always had the skills, knowledge and training to meet people’s needs. There were significant shortfalls in the providers recruitment practices, and they could not demonstrate they met their legal requirements. Risk management plans were not always in place, robust or contemporaneous to reflect the care people required. Where people lacked capacity and care was provided in their best interest, practices were not undertaken in-line with legislation. We were not assured people consistently received person-centred and appropriate care that was responsive to their needs. The provider failed to notify the commission of safety events where they were required to do so. In instances where CQC have decided to take civil or criminal enforcement action against a provider, we will publish this information on our website after any representations and/or appeals have been concluded. For some of the breaches identified we have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found.