19 November 2013
During a routine inspection
People were cared for by staff who had been appropriately recruited. There were systems in place to protect people from the risk of abuse and people reported they felt safe. Most people were positive about their carers and felt their needs were met by their regular carer. However, some people reported that if they had to have a temporary carer, such carers were not always aware of their needs. Peoples' care was planned in a way to ensure their safety and welfare. They were assessed prior to their care package commencing and people reported that they had been involved in the process. Some people felt they had not been given enough information on the service beforehand, but told us they had consented to care being provided.
There were systems in place to monitor the quality of service provided. Office staff told us they obtained verbal feedback on an informal basis and a feedback questionnaire was sent out by the provider each year. The provider monitored the punctuality of staff and conducted random supervision visits. Most people knew how to raise a concern if they had one and some people reported they had been asked to provide feedback on the service. Others would have liked more communication with the provider.