27 September 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
During our inspection on 27 September and 2 October 2013, we looked at care records for six people using the service. We then spoke with four of these people or their relatives; to check our findings and ensure the care being provided was appropriate for them. We also spoke with five members of staff. We found that improvements had taken place.
Overall, people we spoke with were happy with the care they were receiving. They told us the care staff treated them with dignity and carried out all the tasks they needed them to do. One person told us how important it was for them that the same care staff provided support and care to their relative. They said the agency had been 'really, really helpful' in trying to provide this.
A number of changes regarding staffing had taken place since our last inspection, including the appointment of a fourth new manager in less than a year. People using the service shared their concerns about the changes, however, they also spoke positively about the new manager.
Improvements had been made to the way the service was monitoring the quality of service being provided. We noted a recent increase in telephone checks with people using the service; to seek their views on the quality of the service. One person had fed back that: '[the service was] moving in the right direction'.