• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

The Buckingham Centre Also known as Slough Travel Clinic

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

30 Bradford Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4PG (01753) 781600

Provided and run by:
Collingwood Health Ltd

Report from 3 October 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Date of assessment: 27 November 2024. We carried out this assessment to follow up on 3 breaches of regulation identified at our previous inspection in March 2023. Following the March 2023 inspection, the service was rated Requires Improvement overall and the safe and well-led key questions were rated Requires Improvement. At this assessment we reviewed 8 quality statements across the safe key question and 7 quality statements across the well-led key question. We found improvements had been made and the service is now rated Good overall and the rating for the safe and well-led key questions has improved to Good. The provider had made improvements to the provision of safe and well-led services and now had appropriate systems and processes in place to assess the risks to the health of people using the service. This included improved systems to manage medicines (travel medicines). The provider had improved governance systems which leaders regularly reviewed to ensure safe care continued to be provided. This included improved processes to deliver safe care and treatment to service users. Specifically, care records were written and managed in a way that kept service users safe which included an accurate reflection of the consultation that took place. We also saw the service was now displaying their most recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) performance assessment as required.

People's experience of this service

The provider encouraged and valued feedback from patients who used the service. This included ongoing patient surveys which focused on different elements of the regulated treatments. The survey results and general feedback that we have reviewed (8 items of recent feedback), showed that overall patient experience of the service was positive. For example, all survey respondents indicated high levels of satisfaction, and all would recommend the travel clinic to their friends and family. In the previous 12 months CQC received no feedback from patients using this service.