• Dentist
  • Dentist

Zebon Copse Dental Practice

23 Frenchman's Creek, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hampshire, GU52 0YE

Provided and run by:
Dr Anju Mishra

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

All Inspections

27 June 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

This was a follow up visit to monitor compliance and we did not speak to people at this inspection.

We saw that the provider had put new processes in place to monitor standards of hygiene with regard to the use of reusable instruments. We found that all equipment we examined was appropriately labelled and within the use by dates.

We saw that the provider continued to maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene in the other aspects of the practice.

9 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We received positive feedback from the people who use this practice. We were told that people were very satisfied and nobody had any suggestions for ways to improve the service.

We found that care and treatment was planned, discussed with patients and delivered in a way that took account of people's individual needs.

Equipment was safe and well maintained, and while a good standard of cleanliness was maintained, one infection control procedure was not consistently followed.

Staff in the practice were supported through regular training to maintain their skills and knowledge. Health professionals in this practice maintained their registration through continuous professional development.

The practice regularly reviewed patient care and carried out patient surveys in order to improve the service it offered.