• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: IDAS St John's

St John's Therapy Centre, 162, St John's Hill, London, SW11 1SW

Provided and run by:

All Inspections

26 September 2013

During a routine inspection

During our visit we spoke with staff and following our visit we spoke to people who used the service by telephone.

We saw that the reception area was clean and tidy. There was a range of information displayed on the notice boards including the date of the next service user meeting and the name and picture of the service user representative. There was also a suggestions box.

We saw the records of training courses attended by members of staff. The staff we spoke with said they felt their training had helped them in their role. Staff had monthly supervision sessions with their manager and annual appraisals. Staff told us they had enough support from their manager.

We looked at a number of computerised care plans which were up to date. A person we spoke with confirmed that they had been involved in the development of the plans for their support and treatment.

A person said "I feel I have achieved a lot", "I have nothing to complain about the service".