We found that people were asked for their views about the service and were treated with dignity and respect. Comments included, 'We are due to have a meeting in a couple of weeks to see how it is all going' and 'Oh yes, he is very happy with the service. He never shuts up about it.'We found that people who used the service had initial assessments of their needs but risk assessments and care plans had not been produced. This meant staff did not have full information about the people to whom they provide care and support.
We found the service had systems in place such as policies and procedures and staff training to help safeguard people from the risk of abuse.
We found when staff were recruited, checks were carried out to ensure only appropriate staff were employed to work with vulnerable people.
We found that staff had access to a range of training and support to ensure they had the right skills to care for people.
We found the service had a complaints policy and procedure and people told us they felt able to complain knowing it would be addressed.