• Doctor
  • GP practice

OHP-Small Heath Medical Practice

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

2 Great Wood Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B10 9QE (0121) 766 8828

Provided and run by:
Our Health Partnership

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Report from 29 February 2024 assessment

On this page



Updated 12 March 2024

We carried out an announced assessment of one quality statement, equity of access, on 12 March 2024. We found that the practice leadership team demonstrated a strong commitment to their patients and worked to ensure services were delivered to meet patients’ needs, particularly those who were most likely to have difficulty accessing care. The provider prioritised, allocated resources and opportunities as needed to tackle inequalities and achieve equity of access. We saw examples of outstanding practice. For example, the practice supported patients in local community settings to provide patient education sessions and encourage uptake of national cancer screening programmes. Staff we spoke with promoted an 'every patient counts' approach to service delivery. Multiple examples of staff undertaking extended roles to support vulnerable patients were provided. The practice used feedback and other information to monitor and improve access. Where negative feedback was received or opportunities to improve were identified, the practice responded with changes designed to improve access and, patients’ experiences and satisfaction levels. For example, the practice had invested in a new telephone system and changed staffing arrangements to improve telephone access. Some of the new systems had been introduced quite recently and needed further time to demonstrate improved outcomes for patients.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

We did not look at Person-centred Care during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

We did not look at Care provision, Integration and continuity during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Providing Information

Score: 3

We did not look at Providing Information during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

We did not look at Listening to and involving people during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Equity in access

Score: 3

Patients could book appointments by telephone, online, and in person by visiting the practice. Appointments were available face to face, by telephone, or as a home visit. Same day appointments were available and patients could book routine appointments in advance. Appointments with GPs were available on weekdays 8am to 6.30pm, except for Wednesdays when the practice was open from 7.30am to 4pm. Pre-booked appointments were available on Saturdays weekend through an arrangement with other local GP practices. The practice had arrangements in place for prioritising patients. Staff were trained to book appointments with members of the practice clinical team or signpost patients to other appropriate services and were supported to do this by documented protocols and access to a duty doctor. The practice offered appointments from a variety of clinical staff for example the health care assistant, physician’s associate, paramedic, practice nurse, mental health practitioner and a social prescriber. Through the PCN the practice had access to dedicated care coordinators for specific patients, for example, frail and elderly and cancer patients, ensuring these patients received tailored support. The practice had invested dedicated resource into improving uptake of the childhood immunisations programme. Data reviewed demonstrated patient uptake was improving.

In the 2023 National GP patient survey, the practice's data was below average for scores relating to access. The practice demonstrated an awareness of these scores and took a proactive approach towards driving improvement. An in house survey undertaken by the practice demonstrated improved levels of satisfaction. Reviews on the NHS website were positive about the standard of care received. We found the leaders had responded to patient feedback and were making improvements.

Leaders and staff demonstrated they were aware of the challenges to patient access and had acted to improve it. The practice created an action plan in response to the annual National GP Patient Survey results. Leaders we spoke with demonstrated an exceptional understanding of the patient population. They were passionate and proud of the service they provided. They recognised the specific needs of their largely deprived patient population, where the majority of patients were from Ethnic minority backgrounds and tailored services to improve health outcomes. This included patients living in sheltered accommodation, hostels and those who were homeless. Multiple examples of staff exceeding expectation to support vulnerable patients were provided. We heard how the practice provided opportunities and support for different groups of patient population to overcome health inequalities, including adjustments to the registration and to how patients could communicate the practice. We heard about ways that the practice was working with other local stakeholders and its Primary Care Network (PCN) to improve access to primary care. For example, the practice hosted monthly 'Early Help' sessions at the surgery for children & families with above 'Universal' needs. This was a local authority service providing dedicated support to families with additional needs. Leaders advised hosting the service locally in a familiar setting improved patient engagement with the service. This was particularly important for those children awaiting a secondary care appointment on the neurodevelopmental pathway.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 3

We did not look at Equity in experiences and outcomes during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

We did not look at Planning for the future during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.