25 November 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Is the service safe?
We found through speaking with five people who used the service, observation and talking to staff that patients' safety and welfare was not always ensured and their individual needs were not always met.
Is the service effective?
The provider had an induction programme for staff who were new to the service and staff received training relevant to their role.
Is the service caring?
All the people we spoke with were positive about the quality of the care and treatment the service provided. A recent patient feedback report indicated that 99% of people who responded to the survey felt safe and cared for by Ambuline staff.
Is the service responsive?
The service was not meeting its key performance targets for transporting patients requiring dialysis but had made some progress and had developed an action plan and put systems in place to improve them.
Is the service well led?
Staff told us they felt supported by their line managers and line managers told us they felt supported by senior management. We saw that systems had been put in place to ensure staff were supported including supervisory support and professional development reviews.