25 February 2019
During a routine inspection
The service is also registered with the commission to provide care to people housed under supported living arrangements. However, at the time of the inspection, the agency was not supporting anyone under this arrangement.
Rating at last inspection: Requires improvement (6 March 2018)
At the last inspection we found the provider had not always acted to keep people safe. People’s medicines were not always managed safely. The provider had not always assured themselves new staff were suitable to work with vulnerable people. The provider had not ensured systems and processes were in place to monitor the quality of the service and staff practice. Concerns raised or identified had not always been used to improve the service. The provider had failed to notify us of all significant events in line with their legal obligations.
Following the last inspection, we asked the provider to complete an action plan to show what they would do and by when to improve the key questions of ‘safe’ and ‘well led’ to at least good. The provider assured us they had already put processes in place to ensure improvements were made.
Why we inspected: Concerns about the service had been raised with us by whistle-blowers, people and relatives, so we decided to inspect the service earlier than required. The concerns included staff providing care to people before checks had been completed to ensure they were safe to work with vulnerable adults; staff providing care who had not received appropriate training; people not receiving their calls at the correct time or for the correct amount of time, or calls being missed without notice; records being falsified; people who need the support of two staff members to move safely, receiving support from only one member of staff; and staff not ensuring people’s medicines and health needs were met.
People’s experience of using this service:
• People did not receive a service they could be assured was safe.
• People received care from staff who had not all been trained appropriately.
• People’s needs were not assessed promptly when they started to use the service. People did not all have records in place that described how they wanted and needed to receive their care.
• The providers were not always open and honest. They had assured us all staff providing care had been recruited safely and trained appropriately. This was not always the case.
• The providers were not up to date with best practice and were not aware of all regulations and legal requirements.
• The providers had not checked the quality of the service effectively.
• New people continued to be accepted to the service even though the providers were having to cover care visits and some people did not have care plans in place.
• Staff did not always feel supported in the role.
• Staff cared for people. People felt staff kept them safe and were responsive to their needs.
More information is in the full report.
We asked the provider to ensure that no staff who had not been recruited safely were enabled to support people. We also reported our concerns to the local safeguarding authority.
Enforcement: We found breaches of regulation. Full information about CQC’s regulatory response to the more serious concerns found in inspections and appeals is added to reports after any representations and appeals have been concluded.
Follow up: The overall rating for this service is ‘Inadequate’ and the service is therefore in ‘special measures’.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk