Updated 26 October 2024
Date of assessment: 4 November 2024 to 27 November 2024. We met with the provider online, reviewed a range of documents and data, and made calls to people used the service, relatives, staff and external professionals. We looked at quality statements in Safe, Effective, Caring and Responsive. The service performed well against the statements we looked at. Staffing levels were safe and well planned, with low numbers of delayed calls and no significant concerns raised. Safeguarding and whistleblowing policies and procedures were up to date and set out expectations for staff. The registered manager and staff worked well with other health and social care partners to reduce the risks people faced and improve their quality of life, and independence. Staff had regard to people’s rights and always sought consent appropriately. People and their relatives were involved in care reviews. Staff had a good knowledge of people’s needs and a shared understanding of the goals of the service, which were clearly set out.