3 February 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
At the time of our visit there were approximately 260 people using the service. We sought feedback from 81 people via the use of questionnaires and an expert by experience. Of this 81, 42 people or their relatives responded. The majority of people responded positively and told us that the received the care and support they needed by staff who had the right skills and knowledge. Comments included 'They do my personal care very well', 'Their visits brighten my day'.
We also spoke with seven members of staff including care staff, risk assessors, the person employed to manage quality, recruitment and training and the registered manager. Most staff we spoke with were positive about the agency and told us the care plans provided good information. Some staff and people expressed concerns about the communication from the office, telling us that when carers are running late, people are not always advised of this by the office.
At our previous inspection we found the agency were non-compliant in the following areas:
' Management of medicines
' Requirements relating to workers
' Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision
' Complaints
' Records.
We told the agency to send us an action plan detailing what action they would take to ensure they achieved compliance. We received this in July 2013 and they told us they would achieve compliance by December 2013.
At this inspection we found that the agency had taken appropriate action and were now achieving compliance in these areas.
Prior to this inspection we received some information of concern relating to staff induction, training and risk assessments. We reviewed these areas and found that staff induction was appropriate and all staff we spoke with told us this was good. Staff had received training although the provider had identified a need to improve the moving and handling training to ensure a practical element was included. They had a plan in place to address this. Records were detailed and risk assessments were in place where needed.