We brought forward our scheduled inspection because we had received concerns regarding the service in respect of staff recruitment procedures and staff training. During the inspection we spoke with three people using the service, four relatives and six staff. The staff included the provider, the registered manager and four care staff.
We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask;
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service well led?
This is a summary of what we found-
Is the service safe?
We found that the service was not safe.
Risk assessments for individuals had been carried out but were not available in people's homes, so staff providing care did not have access to these. As a result they would not be able to find the necessary information to minimise risks to people. Care plans were not always updated to reflect changes and copies were not always available in people's homes. This meant staff did not always have the information they required to meet people's current needs.
Staff recruitment checks were not always being carried out fully, which could place people at risk. The agency had not always completed criminal records checks on the staff when they were recruited. This meant they could not demonstrate these staff were suitable to work with people using the service.
Records were not being maintained appropriately, were not up to date and information was not always being recorded. Therefore people were not protected against risks that can arise if records are not kept appropriately and accurately.
We have asked the provider to tell us how they will make improvements and meet the requirements of the law in relation to staff recruitment and record keeping.
Is the service effective?
People said their needs had been assessed by staff at the service to ask them about and identify their needs and wishes in respect of the care they required.
Is the service caring?
People told us staff were caring and polite. They said they had good communication with the service and the staff understood their needs. One relative said 'there is a family feel to the service and they are very good at responding to needs' and another said 'everything is perfect, they are doing a good job.' One person using the service described it as 'very good, on the whole.'
Is the service responsive?
People and relatives said where they had raised concerns these were listened to and action was taken to address them. They also told us that the service responded to changes in people's needs. However, when changes in people's needs had been identified, the care records had not always been updated to reflect this, so people could be at risk of not receiving the care they required.
Is the service well-led?
The manager said she carried out reviews of people to ensure changes in their needs were identified, and people we spoke with confirmed this. Staff were monitored regularly to ensure they were providing care appropriate to meet the needs of people. This was done with spot checks at people's homes and also through supervision sessions with staff.
The service had a registered manager and people we spoke with and staff said she was approachable and managed any issues brought to her attention.
Systems were in place to monitor and review the service being provided to people. Action was taken to address any issues identified so people received the care they wanted.