• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Archived: Portsmouth PET CT Centre

Queen Alexandra Hospital, Southwick Hill Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 3LY (023) 9328 3658

Provided and run by:
InHealth Limited

All Inspections

7, 14 February 2014

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two patients who told us they had received care in accordance with their needs. One patient told us the service was delivered in a timely manner and the procedure was explained to them in detail. We found that patients received care in a clean, hygienic environment. We found that there were enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet patients' needs at all times. We found members of staff received appropriate professional development. People were made aware of the complaints system and told us they knew how to do so. We also found that the provider took steps to ensure the records were fit for purpose and kept securely. Members of staff knew the importance of patient confidentiality.

13 March 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we spoke with one person who was attending the centre for a scan. We also spoke to one relative. One person said the 'the information was good and very very thorough.'

We found that people were given all the information they needed to make a decision about their care.

We observed staff were kind, attentive and respectful to people in the centre and when speaking to people on the telephone. One person made positive comments about the staff at the centre. One person said, "staff are perfect.'

One person told us that they liked the service and staff were 'very efficient and thorough.' People were aware that they would be in the centre for up to two hours to complete the screening procedure.

The centre was clean, hygienic and fit for purpose. The areas we saw in the centre were clean.

At the time of the inspection there were insufficient suitably qualified trained staff to provide the service due to a member of staff off sick that day. Staff managed extremely well for most of the day and were able to screen everyone within the time constraints of the protocol.

We found that training was provided by the provider but staff were unable to show us they were up to date.

Information about the complaints process was available in the information leaflet given to every person. We were told that the centre had not received any complaints.