Archived: Farnham Hospital

Centre for Health, Hale Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 9QL (01372) 735213

Provided and run by:
HCRG Care Community Services Ltd

All Inspections

1 October 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we found that people who used the service were involved in making decisions about their care. They were given information which allowed them to make informed decisions. People's dignity and wellbeing were promoted by staff at the service. One person told us, "They always discuss my relative's care with both of us, but they always ask my relative to sign the consent form."

We found that people who used the service received effective treatment provided in a manner that supported their rights and protected their needs. This care was delivered in a safe environment. One person we spoke with said "My dentist ticks all the boxes and shows real care when they treat me." Another told us "The staff here are so professional and so helpful."

People who used the service were protected from abuse as all staff within the service had been trained to recognise abuse and act appropriately. Every person we spoke with told us they felt safe at all times at Farnham Hospital. One person said "I feel absolutely safe here. It is the only dentist I would want to use."

The service was clean and hygienic. Every person we spoke with told us they felt the service was clean.

The service obtained the views of people who used the service and acted upon comments made. One person told us "I am asked to give my opinion of the treatment received every time I come here."