4 September 2019
During a routine inspection
Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Q doctor on 23 August 2018 as part of our inspection programme.
Q doctor is an online GP consulation service which allows patients to consult with a GP via video link. Patients can access the service via their own device and can either pay a single consultation fee or pay an annual subscription to the service, which allows them access to a specific number of consultations throughout the year. The service is also available in some pharmacies (which Q doctor has a contract with) where patients can either request an appointment or where pharmacy staff will suggest the service to them in cases where the patient requires a medicine which needs to be prescribed; in which case they will pay for a video consultation, which will be carried-out it a private room at the pharmacy. The service also provides an online GP locum service, whereby GP practices pay for a locum session with one of the service’s GPs, which is carried-out via video link. When Q doctor is delivering the online GP locum aspect of its service, care for patients is delivered under the governance arrangements of the commissioning GP practice, with Q doctor acting as a locum agency; therefore, we did not inspect this aspect of the service.
Our findings in relation to the key questions were as follows:
Are services safe? – we found the service was providing a safe service in accordance with the relevant regulations. Specifically:
Are services effective? - we found the service was providing an effective service in accordance with the relevant regulations. Specifically:
Are services caring? – we found the service was providing a caring service in accordance with the relevant regulations. Specifically:
Are services responsive? - we found the service was providing a responsive service in accordance with the relevant regulations. Specifically:
Are services well-led? - we found the service was providing a well-led service in accordance with the relevant regulations. Specifically:
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice