27 January 2013
During a routine inspection
We noted that staff at the dental surgery spoke different languages. This enabled them to communicate effectively with some patients who did not speak English. Staff also told us that they could arrange an interpreter for patients who did not speak any of the languages spoken by the staff.
Patients' records, including the treatment plans, were regularly updated. We also noted that all patients' records were stored electronically with password protection.
The dental practice had policies and procedures on safeguarding. We noted that staff had access to the policies and knew what to do if they became aware of an incident of abuse. Patients told us that staff were friendly and they felt safe when using the surgery. They told us staff "are professional".
We noted that the waiting area and the surgery were clean. Patients also felt that the dental practice was "nice" and was "very clean". We noted that appropriate arrangements were in place to ensure the dental instruments were clean and hygienic so that patients were not put at risk of infections.