• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: Westminster North

470-474 Harrow Road, London, W9 3RU (020) 7266 6200

Provided and run by:
Via Community Ltd

All Inspections

1 November 2012

During a routine inspection

People who use the service told us that they were given options about the care, treatment and support they received and written information was available about the services the centre offered. Staff were trained in meeting the cultural and religious needs of people using the service. Interpreters were available and the centre's ground floor was accessible for people using wheelchairs.

People using the service told us that it was "brilliant" and that staff were "very caring". Appropriate assessments and checks were made on people's physical and psychological health when they started using the services and risk assessments were completed to ensure that they were safe. Staff had been trained in what to do in emergencies and risk assessments were conducted to ensure that the building was safe.

Staff had been trained in safeguarding vulnerable adults and children. They knew how to recognise signs of abuse and how to report and act on their concerns. People using the service told us that they felt "safe" doing so.

Staff received an induction to the service and undertook mandatory training on an annual basis. They had annual appraisals of their performance. People using the service told us that staff were "professional" and "very capable".

The service monitored the quality of the services that it provided. People using the service were asked for their views on this and involved in decisions about changes to the way in which services were provided.