8 October 2012
During a routine inspection
A person using the service told us they were satisfied with the care and support provided by the agency. The person confirmed the service was flexible and reliable and the manager and staff were caring and friendly. The person said 'They go that extra mile to care and they always have time'. The person told us they had been involved in developing their care plan and the staff always respected their rights to privacy and dignity.
We saw the person had a care plan, but this lacked detailed guidance for staff about the person's needs and preferences. We also noted an assessment had not been carried out before the service started. This meant some aspects of need may not have been identified and assessed.
Suitable policies and procedures were in place to protect people from abuse and the manager knew who to contact in the event of a concern.
Whilst the person was satisfied with the support they received with their prescribed medication, appropriate records had not been maintained of what medication had been handled by staff.
We found checks had not been carried out when new staff were recruited to work for the agency. These are essential to ensure staff are suitably qualified and experienced to work with vulnerable adults.
We noted shortfalls in record keeping in respect to people's care and the staff working for the agency.