Archived: South Ribble Domiciliary Service

Lancashire Enterprise Business Park, Centurion Way, Leyland House, Wing4,D4, Unit5, Leyland, Lancashire, PR26 6TZ (01772) 423611

Provided and run by:
Lancashire County Council

All Inspections

6 December 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us they were happy with the support they received and said they were in involved in decisions about how it was provided. One person said 'Staff listen to me and do what I want.' People told us their rights to privacy, dignity and independence were upheld and respected.

A healthcare professional who has been visiting people who use the service for many years said 'there is a nice atmosphere in all of the houses, they are all different and personalised and people seem to have their needs met.'

People's care was planned and delivered in accordance with their needs. People had individual support plans which they were involved in developing and reviewing


Staff had an understanding of safeguarding procedures and knew who to contact in the event of a concern. People told us they felt safe using the service and that they usually had the same staff working with them. One person said 'I like having the same staff, its good in the sense of our well-being and our care.'

We found there were systems to monitor the quality and operation of the service, including audits and an annual satisfaction questionnaire. People knew how to comment on the service they received and felt that any suggestions or improvements were acted upon by the managers. This meant people were able to influence the operation and future development of the service.