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  • Homecare service

Archived: Somerset Care Community (Sedgemoor)

1 Kings Square, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3DG (01278) 426903

Provided and run by:
Somerset Care Limited

All Inspections

15, 16, 17 January 2014

During a routine inspection

At the time of the inspection Somerset Care Community (Sedgemoor) provided personal care to approximately 500 people. We gained a total of 72 views from people who used the service and their relatives using various methods; we talked with nine people in their own homes, the inspector and expert by experience spoke with 31 people on the phone and we received 32 completed questionnaires. We spoke with ten members of the care team and looked at 19 support plans.

People using the service were very positive about the care and support received by the carers. People were generally happier with the care if it was provided by carers who regularly visited them. One person commented 'my regular carers are absolutely wonderful'. Another person said 'on the whole I am very satisfied with the carers, we are so grateful for the care received'. Another person said 'they are so good. They all try their best and I just can't thank them enough. I couldn't stay at home without them'.

Seventeen people expressed areas of dissatisfaction with the service including concerns raised related to: the planning of care; timing of visits; unfamiliar carers and office staff not responding effectively to care requests. People felt if the care was organised better then the quality of their care would improve. One person said 'I've not got a problem with the carers, they are all very nice. If the organisation was a bit better then it would run very well'. Another person said 'the only thing that gets me down is I don't know who is coming. The ones that I want don't come very often'.

The agency had systems in place to monitor and assess the service. However, we found some incidents had not been actioned following company protocols. The agency ensured people's medicines were managed appropriately.

Staffing was assessed and monitored to ensure people's needs were met. Plans were in place to further improve staffing within the company.

29 October 2012

During a routine inspection

We carried out a themed inspection looking at domiciliary care services. We asked people to tell us what it was like to receive services from this home care agency with particular regard to how people's dignity was upheld and how they made choices about their care.

We conducted six telephone interviews and three home visits to people who used the service to find out about their experiences of the support they received. We spoke with the manager and with six care workers during or after the home visits.

All the people we spoke with gave positive feedback about the service and said that care workers respected their choices about the way that care was delivered. They all said that they felt safe using this service and knew what to do if they had any concerns.

People confirmed that the care workers supported and encouraged them to maintain as much independence as possible. They were confident that staff had the appropriate knowledge and skills to meet their needs.