• Non-hospital acute service

Archived: BMI

Birkby Hall Road, Birkby, Huddersfield, HD2 2BL

Provided and run by:
Huddersfield Medical Services Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

16 January 2014

During a routine inspection

We spoke with the registered manager (RM), the nominated individual (the provider), two administrators and one clinician.

The provider has a service level agreement with BMI The Huddersfield Hospital. The hospital is one of its registered community based locations. This agreement detailed the obligations and expectations of each party to assure a safe treatment experience for the people who use the service.

We looked at the provider's public website and saw information that informed people about the procedures, the staff and the performance of the service. The provider's website also provided details of the qualification, experience and substantive posts held by each sub contracted clinician.

During our visit we observed people were treated with courtesy and respect. We spoke with two people following their surgery and they told us that they 'were involved in their care and treatment,' and they were 'very satisfied' with the overall quality of the service provided.

They also told us they were provided with clear information on their treatment and the risks and benefits of the treatment had been fully explained. They were complimentary about all of the staff involved in their care and treatment.

We found appropriate recruitment procedures were in place to ensure staff had the necessary skills and experience to work with people in a clinical environment.

We looked at three surgical care and treatment records, which showed people's clinical needs had been assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered that supported their care and welfare.

8 February 2013

During a routine inspection

The provider has a service level agreement to use BMI The Huddersfield Hospital as one of its registered community based locations for both hand nerve conduction studies and hand surgery.

We inspected the service at this location and we spoke with three people following their hand surgery performed under local anaesthetic on the day of our visit. They told us they were very satisfied with the service provided from referral by their GP and subsequent consultation and diagnosis through to their surgery.

They were complimentary about the staff and told us they were provided with clear information on the results from their diagnostic tests and on the risks and benefits of treatment. Throughout the operation their surgeon explained what was happening and why. One person commented they found this approach reassuring.

All three people told us discharge information included advice on their postoperative care, which included exercises and on who to contact should they have any worries or concerns. This information was also available on the provider's website.