Archived: Brook Sandwell & Dudley-132 High Street

132 High Street, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 6JJ (01384) 239001

Provided and run by:
Brook Sandwell & Dudley

All Inspections

21 June 2012

During a routine inspection

We visited the clinic when no one knew we would be visiting. The clinic was not very busy when we visited and we were only able to speak with two people who were using the service. We spoke to the centre coordinator, a counsellor and the receptionist/ information worker.

The clinic was located in a convenient location on the High Street near to the town centre. However the building design and frontage does not make the purpose of use known to the public to ensure people's privacy.

There was a reception area at the front which had been made welcoming for people using the service. There was a range of sexual health information leaflets and booklets available and also information about other health services relevant to young people.

People told us that the staff were friendly and approachable.

Staff were knowledgeable and approachable. They had received a wide range of training so they had up to date knowledge and skills in order to support and advise people.

Robust procedures were in place to ensure that people's confidentiality was respected and maintained and staff could tell us what they would do to keep people safe from harm.

There were systems in place to monitor how the service was run to ensure people received a quality service.