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Aurora Hyde Lodge

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Westbury Park, Bristol, Avon, BS6 7JE (020) 3617 0170

Provided and run by:
Aurora LD Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed - see old profile

Report from 26 February 2024 assessment

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Updated 23 May 2024

People were supported to attend medical reviews and appointments. People were observed being supported with their nutrition and where they chose to eat such as in the dining area or their bedroom. People’s care plans contained information on people’s health conditions such as how to support with their epilepsy. People received health appointments although the outcome of these were not always being recorded to ascertain an accurate health history or when check-ups were due. People had a hospital passport in place to support them in the case of a hospital admission. One person needed their passport updating as there was no information with how staff were to support the person who was at risk of choking. People had an activity timetable which included physical activities people enjoyed. However, staffing challenges, people’s choices and the recent poor weather had impacted on how much people had participated in these.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Assessing needs

Score: 3

We did not look at Assessing needs during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Effective.

Delivering evidence-based care and treatment

Score: 3

People were supported to attend medical reviews and appointments. We observed people being supported with their food and nutrition. For example, one person eating their breakfast in the kitchen and another person having lunch in their bedroom. We observed people asking for food using their preferred methods of communication. For example, Makaton. We observed staff understanding and responding to this. Relatives told us people were receiving support. They told us, “Goes out to Bristol, Whiteladies road, on the bus and train” another family member said, “Used to be very active with swimming and cycling. Goes to the pub and café but not sure if mini bus of staffing has affected doing activities”.

Staff told us guidance was in place in relation to people’s health conditions. A staff member said, “There are clear protocols.” People’s activities were recorded. A staff member said, “We record in the daily notes.” Staff told us that people had enough activities to engage both inside the house and within the local community.

People’s care plans contained information on people’s health conditions such as how to support with their epilepsy. People received health appointments although the outcome of these were not always being recorded to ascertain an accurate health history or when check-ups were due. People had a hospital passport in place to support them in the case of a hospital admission. One person needed their passport updating as there was no information with how staff were to support the person who was at risk of choking. People had an activity timetable which included physical activities people enjoyed. However, staffing challenges, people’s choices and the recent poor weather had impacted on how much people had participated in these.

How staff, teams and services work together

Score: 3

We did not look at How staff, teams and services work together during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Effective.

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Score: 3

Families told us people were supported with appointments such as visits from their GP and going to the dentist. One comment included, “They keep up to date with things and they have dentist, own GP”. Other family members confirmed where meetings had been held with the service and the person’s social worker. One family member told us, “We met with (registered manager) and the social worker a few weeks ago”.

Staff confirmed there was guidance in place relating to people’s health conditions and there were clear protocols in place. Staff confirmed they recorded activities in people’s daily notes and people were supported with activities of their choice although due to current staffing challenges this had had an impact due to the high use of agency staff and some people had not participated in activities, they enjoyed such as swimming and cycling.

People were knowledgeable with how to support people with their individual communication needs and there was a range of communication aids and tools to support people. Improvements were needed to care plans so they contained information such as people’s sexual safety, sexuality and empowerment with their care plans. Visitors were welcome at any time and people were supported to spend time with family.

Monitoring and improving outcomes

Score: 3

We did not look at Monitoring and improving outcomes during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Effective.

We did not look at Consent to care and treatment during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Effective.