Why we carried out this reviewWe carried out this review to check that the provider had made the improvements they said they would make following our last visit on 25 January 2012. At our last visit we found that effective recruitment procedures were not in place to ensure staff employed in the home were suitable to work with vulnerable people.
We arranged our visit over the telephone a few days before the planned visit date. This was done to make sure the relevant people would be available to talk to us.
We spoke with the practice manager, administration manager and were introduced to other staff working at the surgery. The managers were confident that they had made the changes needed to help improve the way the practice was run.
We looked at all the staff files for people currently employed by the practice. The files showed that effective recruitment procedures were in place to ensure staff employed in the practice were suitable to work with vulnerable people. We saw that recruitment procedures had been reviewed so that staff were aware what pre-employment checks would be carried out and the reason for this. Information available showed that staff had signed to say they had read and understood the surgery's recruitment policy and procedure.
We looked at systems in place and talked to the practice manager about the changes that had been made since our last visit. We saw that the provider had made other improvements based on information noted in the inspection in January. Other changes made included improving access to the building. These changes helped to ensure the dental practice could operate safely.
We had a brief look around the practice. The practice manager showed us the work that had been carried out to improve the access to the building. It was noted at our last visit that there may be potential hazards for people who needed assistance with mobility for example, people who used wheelchairs or if accessing the premises with a pushchair. We saw that the provider had completed the work to make the there was level access to the rear of the building. Comments made by people who used the service showed that they were pleased with the changes that had been made.
We found that action had been taken to make sure medicines were safely stored in the practice. For example systems had been put in place to monitor stocks of medicines received and prescribed by the dentists.